NOW & FUTURE 今致,旨在着眼当下,探索当代设计与未来生活的无限可能。以“设计、分享、时尚、环保”为核心理念,基于中国文化,融合国际视野,包容多元化元素,打造创新与品质兼备的家居品牌。透过产品,传递用户积极前瞻的生活态度,简约环保的生活品味,自然舒适的生活方式。与用户建立情感互动,将美好的设计分享给更多的人,是设计师同品牌不懈地追求。

NOW & FUTURE is designed to focus on the present and explore the infinite possibilities of contemporary design and future life. With the core concept of “design, sharing, fashion and environmental protection”, based on the Chinese culture, integrating international vision and embracing diversified elements, we will build a household brand with both innovation and quality. Through the products, the users’ positive and prospective life attitude, simple and environmental life taste and natural and comfortable life style will be conveyed. It is the designers’ unremitting pursuit to establish emotional interaction with users and share beautiful designs to more people.